Is there any chance for Extension of Due Date for Filing Tax Audit Reports? The Utility is being changed time and again. The process of filing Tax Audit reports had been made too tedious.
Thanks in Advance
15 September 2013Hi,
Is there any chance for Extension of Due Date for Filing Tax Audit Reports? The Utility is being changed time and again. The process of filing Tax Audit reports had been made too tedious.
Thanks in Advance
(CA Practice )
(11 Points)
Replied 22 September 2013
Though extension is valid for many reasons, the department do not move a step forward until they examine the number of audit returns filed and other statistical information...So the extension even if announced just 2 days before the closure date is meaingless.....
(39 Points)
Replied 23 September 2013
yes, its correct its meaning less if due date is extended before 2 days.
(Articled Assistant)
(42 Points)
Replied 23 September 2013
What is the need for an extension. It had been declared in the beginning of the year the procedures for filing. Its now six months over from the closure of the financial year. In the early months people will always act lazy and in the last moments they will enquire about "will it extent ". My view is that the department should never extent the date. Then only the people will adhere to the law. The chartered accountants also should audit and file only of those who cooperate with them to file it in time. There are too many clients to CA's who will not co operate to start and finish audit in time. They will come with books in the last months or weeks or even the last day of September and the making a hurry burry. When requesting them to start audit early they will say no no ...... our books where not completed and we are in year end return filing now and we have to get invoices from suppliers.
If you follow systematic accounting in daily basing you can finalize your accounts atleast by end of April. If the clients are not in need of such filing we chartered accountants should keep our stand to protect the strength of our profession. So I request you CA's not to pray for "EXTENSION" and try to be a good responsible professional in the nation building.
(526 Points)
Replied 24 September 2013
It seems there is another change in 3CD schema today .... since yesterday i could file Ver 1.1 3CD schema... but today it is saying invalid schema version.
since when i tried to file the report it asked for ORIGINAL OR REVISED return and then a invalid 3CD scheme came...
so wondering is there a new 3CD schema again...
and there is some notice saying Update ITR 5, 6, 7 on income tax site.. so it means a new ITR too at the end of the month...