Answers for leaving the present job

Nabeel (CA) (3288 Points)

25 June 2011  
Why are you leaving your current job?

This is the most common yet highly tricky question that all must have encountered once in your interviews.

The reason for seeking a new job may be out of sheer frustration from present boss, colleagues, and unorganized work environment.


However no company is interested in any of your above reasons, what matters to the HR Managers is how you came out victorious from these issues since there is no surety that you would not feel the same with your next company.

No company wants people who continue complaining about their job. So whenever you are confronted with such questions in your interview you need to answer positively and tactfully - for instance you can say that you want to work in a more entrepreneurial environment where your potential is explored to its fullest or that you are looking for new challenges.

But we all not are equipped to handle such situation tactfully, and often the recruitment team faces most hilarious answers from the candidates.

Here are some of the funniest answers that have been consolidated, when the candidates were asked for the reason of the exit from their current job.

In another instance a candidate ended up saying that, "my boss is a jerk who treats me like dirt! I do not want them to think I cannot get along or be a team player so want to change my job to a better one and show them."

In one instance when the HR managers posed this particular question on the candidate, he replied saying that he was tired and bugged up of working with some criminals.

One candidate was quoted saying that, "I work with a group of dramatic woman and my boss is highly ineffective at curbing the back stabbing, crying, tantrums, and the rest."

Another candidate said that he found himself bored with the work and looking for more challenges and that he was an excellent employee and did not want his unhappiness to have any impact on the job.

Such answers though funny are not sufficient enough to impress the HR managers’.

It is strictly recommended to avoid such answers.
Hence, never bad mouth your present boss and company instead
portray yourself as an asset as this might be a life time opportunity to build your career.