1. Can we write answers in jumbled manner say for eg. cost accounting paper consist of 5 section. Can i first attempt 3rd section and then go to 1st section and then to 5th.
Yes, you can, but I will say if possible don't do the same as it can irritate the examiner.
2. Even in one section there are subsections, for eg. 1st section of cost accounting has 6 ques out of which 5 need to be answered, should all the 5 sub questions be solved at one place.
Answer :Yes, all sub section of a question are to answered at one place.
3. Is it any harm in attempting extra / additional questions?
Answer: No, infact out of the extra question attempted the question in which one gains highest number is considered and one which leas to leat number are crossed, but generally examiner does not bother and crosses the last one, Better in stead of answering extra question revise and check entire paper.
4. Does handwriting's neatness and legibility have any affect on marks, since my writing is very small and if i try to write normal, the speed of writing generally decreases.
Answer: Handwriting, doesnot vreated any hinderance in marks, provided it is legible and not confusing, focus on speed and write answer pointwise so that your answer copy appear clean.
5. Are RTP's really helpful for theory questions, especially for infotech and strategic management?
Answer: RTP, as the name suggest is provided to student for revision , it is not a suggestion or probable or "like to come" question, it is good for revision, after completing your entire study you can evaluate or your preparation using RTP. it is also useful to know the pattern of question aksed, manner of writing, answer, solving sum etc.
6. And can someone provide examination tips i.e., how to answer questions etc.? and how to read and appraoch infotech and strategic management?
Just follow ICAI mat for IT and SM and start early