Dear Members,
Its a kind of suggestion on which I need opinion of all dear members.
Whenever a query is posted on the forum, offcourse its urgent to the person who have asked it. As we all know a query of the member may be a query for many of us too. We can look up on the number of views and corresponding reply to the query and conclude that many of us dont have the answer to the query. And we all want an answer to it as we may face same problem in future.
We get several replies to the query posted by us but at the end of the day, its only the member (who posted the query) who find the way to do the same and who actually do it .
Its a humble request that wen the query is solved, the person who has posted the query, should reply to the query, stating what how he solved the problem, what course of action is taken by him/her and other relevant things.
After all, its not only about finding answer to our query but also to help others getting answer of the same. This will also result in less repeatition of same query a number of times.....
Kindly post your suggestions.....