Can a Statutory Auditor (Practising Chatered Accountant) certify the annual filing forms(i.e. 23AC &ACA, 20B & 66) for the Company in which he is Stat. Auditors and have filed Form 23B for the same.???
Prabhat Srivastava (Company Secretary) (237 Points)
12 December 2012Can a Statutory Auditor (Practising Chatered Accountant) certify the annual filing forms(i.e. 23AC &ACA, 20B & 66) for the Company in which he is Stat. Auditors and have filed Form 23B for the same.???
Jayalakshmi Anshuman
(Chartered Accountant)
(69 Points)
Replied 12 December 2012
Yes. There is no bar in certification by a statutory auditor for filing e-forms