Amount not deposited in cgas before due date-exemption ??

CA Abhishek Singh (practice) (2111 Points)

01 August 2013  

Hello everyone 


one of my client has sold a house property in aug 2012 for rs.28 lacs

he had purchased the house in 2007-2008 for rs.1200000.


he took 800000 loan from bank for the same.


Out of 28 lacs he reapid the o/s. loan from bank Rs.600000/- and Rs.12 lacs for marriage of his sister.


He has not deposited any amount under capital gain ac scheme till the due date.


he is planning to buy the house by taking loan in sep/october 13 and will file the return after buying the house.


MY question :

1. will capital gain be exempted since he has not deposited the capital gain in the CGAS on/before the due date ?


2. Will capital gain be exempt if loan is taken by sister(married) and he is the joint owner ?


waiting for the views of the experts.