For Own Premises: Any document in support of the ownership of the premises like latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill.
For Rented or Leased premises: A copy of the valid Rent / Lease Agreement with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Lessor like Latest Property Tax Receipt or Municipal Khata copy or copy of Electricity Bill
For premises not falling under any of the above category: A copy of the Consent Letter with any document in support of the ownership of the premises of the Consenter like Municipal Khata copy or Electricity Bill copy. For shared properties also, the same documents may be uploaded
For rented/leased premises where the Rent/lease agreement is not available: An affidavit to that effect along with any document in support of the possession of the premises like copy of Electricity Bill.
If the principal place of business is located in an SEZ or the applicant is an SEZ developer: Necessary documents/certificates issued by Government of India are required to be uploaded
All changes to address recorded in the GST portal must be updated within 15 days of change. On making an application for change of GST address, the GST office would approve the change within 15 days. The date of amendment on approval by the Officer would he the date of occurrence of the event warranting the amendment.