1.Intrinsic value is a measure of value based on the future earnings a company is expected to generate for its investors - it attempts to measure the total net assets a company is expected to build in the future. It is considered the true value of the company from an investment standpoint and is calculated by taking the present value of the earnings (attributable to investors) that a company is expected to generate in the future, along with the future sale value of the company. The idea behind this measure is that the purchase of a stock entitles the owner to his or her share of the company's future earnings. If all of the future earnings are accurately known along with the final sale price, the company's true value can be calculated.
2&3. Intrinsic value can be calculated for equity share holder only. because prefernce share holder having particular percentage of profits only allowable,, and that profit also before paying equity share holder need to be paid, so what ever profit after payment of Preference dividend all will go to equity share holder only. so equity share holder is the finally going to share what ever profit or loss of the business and also while repayment of capital also preference share holder having preference but equity share holders only if any thing remaining after payment of all they may get, so preference share calculating Intrinsic value is not give correct vaule, so equity share only having intrinsic value
CMA.Ramesh Krishnan