what is difference between amalgamation in nature of merger ,in nature of purchase & absorption.Also what is restucturing
C.A. M.Com. Suhas A. Nagpure
(1175 Points)
Replied 03 April 2008
As per my knowledge –
C.A. M.Com. Suhas A. Nagpure
(1175 Points)
Replied 03 April 2008
Amalgamation in nature of Merger-
CA. Atindra A. Prabhu Bhatikar
(practising CA)
(68 Points)
Replied 21 April 2008
An Amalgamation in the nature of merger should satisfy the five conditions as given in AS-14 eg. all the assets and liab. must be acquired, the settlement must be made in equity shares etc. An amalgamation which doesnt satisfy even one of the five conditions shall be termed as "in the nature of purchase". Absorption is similar to amalgamation in the nature of purchase. One company acquires another company. HDFC Bank and Times Bank transaction was absorption. Whereas two companies coming together to form a new entity, where the existence of any of them is not vanished is amalgamation. Restructuring involves changing the nature of the existing business. That is selling the assets which are not required and paying off the loans, exchanging costlier loans for cheaper loans etc.