Always win

Lakshmi (CA(Final),CS(Final)) (32 Points)

31 December 2011  


A Poem Written by CA. V. MURALI, Chairman,
BOS of ICAI Dedicated to the CA Students


... Always look to the bright side,
Always keep moving with the tide.
From facing challenges never hide,
Over Stumbling Blocks you must ride.

Always have a smile for all
Against all odds stand tall.
Even if on the way you falter and fall
Get up, dust yourself and be on the ball.

Always be firm about your aim,
It’s the way to win the game.
Your doubts & miseries you must tame,
On your way to attaining fame.

Always reach for the sky
Have the will and spirit to try
And try till you attain the high
You will attain dignity and be our pride.

Don’t give up on your dreams
To others farfetched they may sometimes seem
Dedicated study and sincere effort
Will give you the winning polish & sheen.”