It is very Impartant to have the work life balance. But many traditional bosses belives that the working late means working more and more prouctivity.
If properly planned the work , every thing can be finished within the time. For that every one should work and spend their time effectively.
I am not commenting on any one. but some people are wasting the time in canteens and on internet. So this making them to sit late and complete the job .
Bosses have to change the mind set and encourage the employees to plan their work and complete in time.
If any article student face this problem better make a compliant to ICAI Board of Studies.
If the problem is for employees, my suggetion is better leave that organisation.
I have seen many people who are working late hours just to please their bosses. They all are in that position only. They can not work in any other organisation.
If you solute your job , you need not to solute any one.
But if you polute your Job, You have to solute every one.
Belive your self, If you have skills, you can work any where.
Suresh sambu