Akhil Gupta (Manager F&A) (856 Points)

01 June 2010  

Due to the reason for long foreign ture of a Mr. X (Original Director) Mr. A is appointed as alternate director. In the meanwhile Mr. X is to retire by rotation and AGM held on the schedule date. but the same is postponned the matter of reappoint of Mr. X was not discussed. The postponed meeteing was never held.

My Queries are:

Since Mr. X is automatically reappoint as per Sec. of the Companies Act. Is there any requirement on the part of the Board to appoint Mr. A again as an alternate Director or there is no such requirement as Mr. X was seems never vacates his office as director?

Whtether the requirement of holding the Annual General Meeting is deemed to be fulfilled as the annual account and rest of the matters are duly discussed at the original date of AGM. OR since the AGM is not completed as some dission are left to be taken, the requirement of holding AGM is defeted?