Its all about introduction of GST. Please see the attached file,
which is preapre by none other then our CAClubindia members who has featured on the hmepage of CAClubindia.
CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani (Landmark Group) (23507 Points)
16 April 2009Its all about introduction of GST. Please see the attached file,
which is preapre by none other then our CAClubindia members who has featured on the hmepage of CAClubindia.
(Tax Advocate)
(427 Points)
Replied 16 April 2009
Thanks a lot for posting the information about GST Act. I have missed the home page
(Accounts Officer)
(24 Points)
Replied 16 April 2009
Hey prakash Sir thaks a lot for the information about GST
(Accounts Officer)
(24 Points)
Replied 16 April 2009
Hey prakash Sir thaks a lot for the information about GST
Shreyans Tejpal Shah
(40 Points)
Replied 17 September 2009
it's quite old post. can anybody give the implementation system for GST?