AIS will show everything including saving and fixed deposit interest paid as per AY, the dividend paid, capital gain sale and purchase amounts of shares and mutual funds, etc. Example If you open your fixed deposit in 1st November 2021, Then it will calculate interest number to December, January to March, for the financial year 2021- 2022, For the financial year 2022 -2023 April to June, July to September, and October, again if you renew your fixed deposit it will calculate interest November to December. some banks pay interest quarterly as per the financial year so it will show properly. The same will be in your bank statement. any FEMA transactions. Any Inward and outward foreign remittances All investments with the bank and with financial institutions Anywhere you are linked with your pan number all details will be recorded No chance to hide your income When you file your income tax return, you will find all data prefilled in the income tax return if you find any data is Wrongly prefilled you can change it. Even you will get Salary details from 16 data prefilled Including TDS deducted. So no chance of any mistakes, really good achievement in the income tax system, less work for income tax employees, everything will be checked by computers.
One day IAS Will replace form 26 AS