AIS Data different from data in Return filed

Rani (None) (277 Points)

12 July 2023  


Filed ITR-2 on June 30th. At that time data in AIS and TIS (dividend, bank interest) were less than the amount arrived at  from bank statements. TDS data matched with 26 AS. Yesterday checked AIS and found that the bank interest data is slightly higher than the amount in the submitted ITR ( by around Rs.1500/- ). ITR2 is filed -  old tax regime. 80TTB is already fully utilized. Should a revised return be filed? Is it ok to pay the tax, interest and penalty if the department processes with  the AIS data or will there be another complications? Will this be considered as a defective return? What will happen to the carry forward capital loss if revised return is not submitted?  If AIS data is less than  data in the return, which data is used  by the department to process the return?  

Thanks in advance.
