I have heard that agriculture in exempt under the income tax act but why it is mention in central excise act that state government has the right to tax agriculture income.
MD.Taufique (CA,CS) (308 Points)
10 March 2011I have heard that agriculture in exempt under the income tax act but why it is mention in central excise act that state government has the right to tax agriculture income.
(Chartered Accountant)
(6971 Points)
Replied 10 March 2011
you are right in income tax there is no taxation, even there is no right in the constitution to wage tax on agriculture but i dont know how states tax agriculture
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 10 March 2011
agriculture is not restircted to fruits/ vegetables/ foodgrains, but narcotics and tobacco is also agro products, which is controlled by state excise and state taxation department.