After gst return of September
Sayed Nabil (385 Points)
26 October 2023hum cgst sgst Kay badle igst dalkay bill ko modify karsaktay hai kya
jaisa party ka requirement hai
Sayed Nabil (385 Points)
26 October 2023
Eswar Reddy S
(CFO- at NHTF)
(58275 Points)
Replied 26 October 2023
prasad Nilugal
( GST Practitioner & Accounts )
(14811 Points)
Replied 27 October 2023
Eswar Reddy S
(CFO- at NHTF)
(58275 Points)
Replied 27 October 2023
Sayed Nabil
(385 Points)
Replied 27 October 2023
prasad Nilugal
( GST Practitioner & Accounts )
(14811 Points)
Replied 27 October 2023
You must have actual supply of Goods or services inter-state to charge IGST in the Invoice , So you can not change CGST , SGST to IGST without supply of Goods or Services .
Eswar Reddy S
(CFO- at NHTF)
(58275 Points)
Replied 27 October 2023
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961