After Exam what 2 do


25 November 2010  


NoW exam is over , there are some meessaege to those students who are confident to pass  the exam and to those also who are not sure to be so . SO my  dear we can shre it here.

I would like say those friends who are not very much sure to be pass this and doubt to clear exam.

They must take the rest first and to think why they are not going to clear the exam.

  • Note down the drawbacks what you feel at exam time.
  • Do swot analysis of yourself.
  • Chalk out the statergy for each papers , how to prepare, how to overcome the drawbacks what you had felt at exam time.
  • Honestly make the plan from just now for May 2011 to make your groups clear.
  • Start your studies rgularly for weak subjects daily.
  • Before Exam revise your each subjects at least 5 to 7 times.
  • Make very brief notes for Exam times.