Hai all.....
I am shanthi cleared CA in Nov 2014.Since after results i have faced interviews .Everywhere they are asking me questions like
1)Why you choose CA after Inter (12th -MPC).Why not B.tech?
2)Why you took many attempts?
3)Why B.com with CA?
4)Why you did not work after article,why you simply wasted your time without working anywhere &simply escaping by saying the words prepared for CA-Final.
5) If you come just little before 3 years i would have give you a good package.
6)If you prepared verywell why havn't you cleared.
iam not frightening anyone just giving advice plz dnt take many attempts to clear & dnt sit idle while writing many attempts (many means more than 3).
These are all questions asked to me in all most all companies where i hav attended .(all big companies)
keeping these all in my mind i understood that even after passing CA life dosent go smooth everywhere you hav to face challenges.(before my biggest challenge is clearing CA then,after these all dumb questions and illogical
answers to all people who interviewd me.)
So ,please friends clear CA asap.otherwise you may feel"why"for all questions.
Thank you all .its my feeling and want to share bcoz "CLEARING CA IS ONLY JUST PART AFTER THAT YOU HAVE TO FACE REAL WORLD WHERE YOU FIND ALL "why" RATHER THAN "ok chill man"".
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