Dear All,
Students registered post 01/05/2012 must undergo ADVANCED ITT.
Do you have any idea for how long the training would be ?
And, will that period be considered as WORKING DAY/PRESENT in office or LEAVE ???
Sunni (Intern) (144 Points)
04 August 2014Dear All,
Students registered post 01/05/2012 must undergo ADVANCED ITT.
Do you have any idea for how long the training would be ?
And, will that period be considered as WORKING DAY/PRESENT in office or LEAVE ???
(M.Com M.A. Economics CA)
(1294 Points)
Replied 04 August 2014
Yes it is like GMCS only...
the training is about 15-20 days...
it has to be done in the last year of articleship but before your CA FINAL examination....
That much i know abt it
These days will be counted as present in ofiice