A private company held board meeting and approved draft accounts in august 2015 and sent to auditors but the auditors not completed audit before AGM DUE date, therefore company call and held AGM in septermber 2015 for the financial year 2014-2015 and adjourned due to not avalability of audited annual accounts AND Company has not filled its provisional acounts in AOC-4.
Afterthat annual accounts are audited by the auditors in feburary 2016.
My quary is what is the compliance need to be done?
1. Can a comapny hold Adjouned AGM in feburary 2016 after the date of signing audit report by the auditors for the f.y. 2014-15.
2. Whether company needs to be file AOC-4 for two times i.e., Provisional Accounts and Audited Accounts.
Thanks in Advance for sugessation.