Please find below the reply.
In your case the total strength of the board is 7 which includes 1 non rotational director i.e. your MD and 2 additional directors.
For the purpose of section-255 total strength of the board would be 7.
Determination of rotational directors u/s 255
Rotational directors in your case would be 2/3 of 7 i.e. 4.67 directors. Here as per section 255 rotational directors would be 5. Remaining 2 will be considered as non- rotational directors and includes your MD.
4.67 will be converted into 5 because of phrase “not less than 2/3” used in section 255.
Determination of Directors liable to retire u/s 256
As per section 256 ---1/3 of rotational directors shall retire at each AGM. Hence 1/3 of 5 would be 1.67.
As per the language of 256 “nearest to 1/3” we can rounded off 1.67 as 2. (As nearest to 1.67 will be 2).
Now in your AGM you have to retire only 2 directors as rotational director. These 2 directors should not include additional director. In other words additional director would be considered in total strength but shall not retire because they are latest/new in office compare to others.
I hope the calculation method is clear.
Ankur Garg