In our relationships we enjoy Love & Affection. But these are the same relationships which give us pain, hurt & at times we feel completely disillusioned. Why it is so that the same person who gives you so much love & affection becomes the cause of hurt & pain? When relationships go wrong, then many times people are so much depressed in all such situations that they feel completely lost and alone in their lives. Why such relationship problems come in our lives? Why our lives are disrupted by our own relations with whom we in the first place received so much Love & Affection?
The answer to all the above questions is that we all are equally Human & equally Divine. Due to our Divine nature we are so lovable & due to our Human nature we fall a prey to ego, mistrust, hatred, jealousy, anger etc. which destroy our relationships. Now let us understand the nature of Love which is always pure & blissful. Each human being whether it's you, your partner or any of your relations, is having a Divine Soul & each one is a part of that Universal Soul - God. Soul is the source of Love in one's heart & it reflects from that person when we are in love. Nature of "Pure Perfect Love" is like the Sun shining in the sky but when this Sun of love in the sky of your heart is clouded by ego, mistrust, hatred, jealousy, anger etc. then our relationships are destroyed. MORE AT