Dear All,
Kindly be hereby informed that the post on this site on 01/07/2008 on topic ( Action against dummy Article) was copied as it was in the site to word file and had been sent to CA Ved Jain of the Institute as email attachment.
He promised to take action against it. Thanks CACLUB and dear frens and seniors.
Secondly our group is planning to give the name of the following renowned faculty at Metro City Delhi who are knowingly running their classes at office hours.
1. Praveen Sharma
2. Ajay Jain
3. Deepak Gupta
4. Vinod Gupta
5.Sanjay Aggarwal
The few of the respected faculties in delhi openly talk in the class about the dummy articleship and deliberately runs the classes at office hours.
We request you all to suggest the course of action to be taken. Pls post the views.We are noting down every thing for the action.
Cheers ..
Mohini K.C