Can anyone tell the procedure for doing denovo regestration for ACS final. Inter already completed and final already registered.
(44682 Points)
Replied 16 September 2009
Its CS final not ACS....
(Registration de novo pursuant to regulation 22 read with sub-regulation (2) of regulation 24.)
(A) Guidelines for candidates seeking registration de novo within two years of the expiry of previous registration.
1. A person whose registration has been cancelled on expiry of five-years period or otherwise may within two years of cancellation of former registration seek registration de novo on payment of the following fees:
(i) Registration fee: Rs.1500
(ii) - (a) Where a student has not completed coaching for both modules (groups) of Executive Programme (Intermediate)/all modules (groups) of Professional Programme (Final), balance of Rs.5,000 of the postal tuition fee if enrolled for Executive Programme (Intermediate) or balance of Rs. 7,500, if enrolled for Professional Programme (Final), as the case may be, after adjusting the amount paid on this account earlier. However, credit for having completed coaching in a particular module (group) may be given if the coaching completion certificate has not been issued due to invalid registration or any other reason.
(b) Postal tuition fee of Rs 7500 in the case of students who have passed the Executive Programme (Intermediate) examination but not enrolled for the Professional Programme (Final).
(c) Arrears of postal tuition fee, if due, under former registration where the students have been issued with coaching completion certificate(s) for both modules (groups) of Executive Programme (intermediate)/all modules (groups) of Professional Programme (Final) as the case may be.
2. On the student being registered do novo he/she will be given credit for the oral or postal tuition completed during the validity of his previous registration in the corresponding paper(s) of the new syllabus. Such a student shall not be supplied with the study material afresh. Study material can however be obtained on payment of Rs. 160 per subject. Student Company Secretary will be sent free of cost during the validity period of registration de novo from the month subsequent to the month in which the student was registered de novo.
(B) Guidelines for candidates seeking registration de novo after two years of the expiry of previous registration.
1. A person whose registration has been cancelled or has terminated on expiry of five-year period and has not sought registration de novo within two years of the expiry of former registration may seek registration de novo within 5 years of the cancellation/termination of his former registration on payment of the following fees:
(i) Registration fee Rs. 1500
(ii) Exemption fee for
(a) Foundation Programme Rs. 500
(b) Executive Programme (Inter) Examination
(if already passed) Rs. 500
(iii) Paperwise exemption fee
(a) Executive Programme (Inter) Rs. 100 per paper
(b) Professional Programme (Final) Rs. 100 per paper
(iv) Where a student has not completed coaching for both modules (groups) of Executive Programme (Inter)/all modules (groups) of Professional Programme (Final); balance of Rs. 5,000 of the postal tuition fee, if enrolled for Executive Programme (Inter) or balance of Rs. 7,500 if enrolled for Professional Programme (Final), as the case may be. However, credit for having completed the coaching in a particular module may be given if the coaching completion certificate has not been issued due to invalid registration or any other reason.
(v) Rs. 7,500 in the case of students who have passed the Executive Programme (Inter) but not enrolled for the Professional Programme (Final).
(vi) Arrears of postal tuition fee, if due, under former registration where the students have been issued with coaching completion certificates for both modules (groups) of Executive Programme (Inter)/all modules (groups) of Professional Programme (Final).
2. On the student being registered de novo, he will be given credit for the oral or postal tuition completed during the validity of his previous registration in the corresponding paper(s) at the new syllabus. Such a student shall not be supplied with the study material afresh. Study material can however be obtained on payment @ Rs. 160 per subject. Student Company Secretary will be sent free of cost during the validity period of registration de novo from the month.