I want to know that, is there any compliance required for acquiring of partnership firm by pvt co. ,for filing in MCA? what documents are to be filed?
CA Mohit Agrawal (Chartered Accountant) (371 Points)
28 May 2012I want to know that, is there any compliance required for acquiring of partnership firm by pvt co. ,for filing in MCA? what documents are to be filed?
sangram ghatge
(company secretary in practice)
(198 Points)
Replied 28 May 2012
there are no such provisions as acquisition of partnership firm, in companies act. hence there is no direct compliance to be done. but there may be some incidental compliance such as filing form 2 in case of allotment of shares, form 8 in case of acquisition of charged property of partnership firm, form 32 in case of appointment of new directors, etc.
sangram 9422622828.
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