Server is Still Down. Unable to upload the returns.
(155 Points)
Replied 25 April 2016
Server is Still Down. Unable to upload the returns.
(23 Points)
Replied 25 April 2016
i am also trying since last 5 hours its not responding.
Abhilash Sridharan
(1 Points)
Replied 25 April 2016
Received email from aces service desk.
Due to some technical problem, the ACES website is temporarily not functioning properly and our Technical Team is working on it to resolve the problem. The SERVER will get restored at any time.
Hence you are requested to please file the current period (Oct-Mar 2016) ST-3 return in offline mode using the excel utility (Latest excel utility Version 1.5 is attached herewith for convenience) and generate the XML file. Once the SERVER restored please upload the same XML file.
Inconvenience caused is highly regretted."
Swapnil Girkar
(Accounts Assistant)
(3 Points)
Replied 25 April 2016
Try To Open in Chrome In Incognito Browser Window. Aces Site is Opening and I try to upload Service tax Return it is successfully uploaded.
(Tax Consultant)
(30 Points)
Replied 25 April 2016
Yes Mr. Swanpil, tried private window in different browsers and able to file 3 returns successfully. Anyways, date extnded to 29th April.
(26 Points)
Replied 22 June 2016
ACES website in not working as on 22/6/2016. The goverment is requested to add 0.5% Server Maintenance Cess (SMC) along with Swaach Bharat Cess (SBC) and Krish Kalyan Cess (KKC)
(22 Points)
Replied 24 April 2017
Sir, this things happen at time of every return....whats your take on INVOICE LEVEL matching in GST on monthly basis by all registered persons across India.