About Form 15H
Pranesh Kumar R (44 Points)
13 April 2018Pranesh Kumar R (44 Points)
13 April 2018
(473 Points)
Replied 14 April 2018
Pranesh Kumar R
(44 Points)
Replied 14 April 2018
Pranesh Kumar R
(44 Points)
Replied 22 May 2019
Nishant shah
(302 Points)
Replied 28 May 2019
15. Esrimated Income for which you make declaration for e.g you made FD in BOB then u are providing est income of on it
16.Estimated Total income for which declaration is made. e.g., you have made declaration in different bank for your est aggregate income
17.Total No. of 15H submitted at different bank
Pranesh Kumar R
(44 Points)
Replied 28 May 2019
Nishant shah
(302 Points)
Replied 28 May 2019
that means income to be included of SI 15 in SI 16 with all other income for which you make