About E-TDS Software

Mukund Patel (Student) (477 Points)

14 October 2009  

Dear Friends,

I have found such tupe of query during Cration of TDS return by RPU 2.0 version provided by NSDL. How can i solve it.......


Line No
Record Type
Statement Type
Field Name
Challan Details Record Number
Deductee/ Salary Detail No.
Error Code & Descripttion
6 Deductee Regular Deductee / Party Detail Record No 2 2 T-FV-4007 Invalid Deductee Detail Record number
8 Deductee Regular Deductee / Party Detail Record No 3 3 T-FV-4007 Invalid Deductee Detail Record number


Please Give Respective answers for the same..............

Thanks and Regards