A company Which provides DTH services has purchased a set top box each at Rs.2500 and sold to customers at price of Rs.2000. How the difference of Rs. 500 will be treated in books of accounts.?
chaitanya cherukuri (Articled Student) (241 Points)
07 July 2009A company Which provides DTH services has purchased a set top box each at Rs.2500 and sold to customers at price of Rs.2000. How the difference of Rs. 500 will be treated in books of accounts.?
ajit sinha
(51 Points)
Replied 10 July 2009
Dear chaitanya
your question regarding shortfall of Es.500/- see basically these dth box given to client for services .
1. Either you set this loss with promoting Business if it sold.
2.Or this loss or shortfall can adjust with the income which generated from this particuler set box.