Dear Friends,
A few pages of Module have been changed in Dec 2011. But don't worry changes are only in Chapter 2 and Chapter 5. Only 15-20 pages (Max) are added.
In Chapter 2 Para 2.14 is replaced.Examples in sub-topics Structured english, Flow charts, decision tree and decision table are deleted.
In Chapter 5 Para 5.6.1 Risk Management process is changed (replaced by the same name different contents). I have already uploaded revision in Chapter 5 in Info tech files. May be i will upload a single file with all changes in a day or two.
If anybody comes across any other changes please let me know.
What is the logic behind changing 5-10 pages for every attempt in such a subject ??? Every time they add/change a few pages and we have to compare almost 500 pages of old and new module and search for changes.