A pain of a dummy CA

Page no : 2

Nikhil Kumar (CA , Qualified CPA) (910 Points)
Replied 15 January 2010

Hey Ashish I think you've had some bad experiences with your training  but thats not the case with everyone.

And its not the duty of your principal to devote his precious time to brush up your skills- certainly its not this way. Its your duty to work with all your skills, knowledge and COMMITMENT (most of us lack this) - your skills will be brushed automatically- thats how it goes.

Its not fair or practical to expect full personal attention of your principal.

And its also not about earning money legal or illegal way-  we are still to enter the real world. We dont even have a vague idea how a CA works whole day.

Just see how much you expect form your employer and how much you deliver. Articleship is not a coaching class where we can sit and the principal is all focussed on how much we learn.

Ashish Kr Mishra (CA-final & CS-final) (122 Points)
Replied 16 January 2010

I am partially agree with U buddy (Nikhil). Hey Andhrudu U are fully supporting the horrible thing "dummy". U know it is alike stigma on our noble profession. I had several problems about taking articleship bt i am in its favour. According to u a dummy can be more successful, its a personal trait bt Andhrudu its exceptional. Dont u agree?

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