A happy state of mind

Mangala G. (CA) (59 Points)

15 December 2011  


                                          A Happy State Of Mind

Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with and  remember that time waits for no one.

What can we do to stay happier??

Feel good about  ourselves. Do something we love. Learn something new.It is important to keep a positive frame of mind. It is not easy when everything seems  to be against us. Right?? Difficult, but possible.

Stay calm, accept the people the way they are, avoid arguments. Try to see the other persons' point of view. Be determined to stay positive and not get stressed because they don't feel the same way as we.

Think about things you have in your life that you are thankful for. Make a point of thanking people you come into contact with. In fact any one who does a good deed for you, no matter how small. A' thank you' will make their day and will definitely help you to feel happy within yourself. Attitude has a great deal to do with your happiness. Learn to laugh. 

Happiness is within us. The truth is, there is no better time to be happy than right now ! If not now, when? 

Thank you.