A girl is like a bird ....

CA AYUSH AGRAWAL (Kolkata-Pune-Mumbai) (26986 Points)

19 January 2013  


A Girl is like a bird .... a picture taken by me near Pune Railway Station .... wanted to share here ....

Do NOT cage the bird! Love it! Appreciate it! Derive inspiration perennially from these GOD's wonderful and priceless creations, for these are the blissful fountains of love, kindness, compassion and sacrifice essential for the emancipation of the mankind. Of course, there are many violent, nagging and rude varieties too. But, being mindful of their intrinsic nature, give them opportunities to mend. Use intelligently the services of the noble varieties to check the rogue birds. Sooner or later all these rude, arrogant and unpleasant varieties would return to their God-given nature. These birds are as important as you are. None less. So, nourish them sincerely. In some aspects, these birds are lower in some qualities and far superior to you in many other qualities. That was the flawless design of the Nature to remain at equilibrium. Realize  and appeciate it; for you are 'Nothing' without them. Meaningful existence of you and these birds depend on one another. One without the other is meaningless.