A cancer patient

Geeta (chief accountant) (3368 Points)

14 April 2011  


This is one of my cousion's friends story, its really really inspiring us to enjoy the each and every minutes of life...............................

I assure you that this is a true story  because the cancer patient mentioned here was my own cousin sister...

One day she was enjoying her walk in the public park as usual. She was in the 12th standard and relished just every moment of her innocent life. On that day she felt of sitting in a merry-go-round and being a hasty person, she hopped into one. Everything went smoothly until she got her left shoulder bumped against an iron rod of that device. The pain increased with each day.

When she consulted her doctor, after completing some necessary tests; a shocking discovery was made that she had developed a cancer in her collar-bone! And that disease had already reached at the 2nd stage of it's intensity. It was the park accident that brought into light that deadly disease. 

Immediately, she was transferred to the nearest city cancer hospital and the battle between her willpower and the fatal disease began. She faced each session of chemotherapy with surprising bravery and every dose of the strongest medicines wreak havoc on her digestive system, hair and body fluid. Yet one thing that cancer couldn't affect; it was her innocent smile!

Her father (my uncle) called a psychiatrist to her ward in order to know her innermost desire so that he can try to fulfill it. The psychiatrist gave her a blank drawing paper and some crayons and asked her to draw what she felt at that time. That girl painted a nice, big cup of ice-cream and wrote beneath it -

"Life is an ice-cream, enjoy it before it melts..."

After some days, she left her physical body but never our memories. Her smile, innocence, courage, wit and wisdom at her 'death-bed' guides me even today...