A Bird Eye view of Both Group of CA Final..


15 April 2011  

Advanced Accounts &Financial Reportinng


Nature of paper

How to overcome

combination of Accounting standards and practical problems

Good and balanced working of all the practical problems,

Good idea of the concepts and logics are required

work more on various combination of problems. Some

for problem solving and you should have a good grip over the AS

problems can be set from module part also. Take in mind

and Theory segment. At time A S based practical questions will also

the concepts behind A S and apply it to your exam. Do balanced

be set for exam. Questions can be lengthy, high end practical oriented.

studies. Make a good working notes for each calculations

Strategic financial management


Nature of paper

How to overcome

This is a high end conceptual oriented practical paper. This may be hurdle

Either attends the class or buy good reference book, understand

one segment and scoring paper. Exam pattern cannot be predictable

the logic and solve as many different style of conceptual problems


as possible Those who attend the class also advised to solve other


 Practical problems. Also never ignore the theory segment.


Group studies also good for this paper. Idea of different students


can be incorporated since concept is only same. Different  students


will adopt different methods.

Advanced audit


Nature of paper

How to overcome

This paper is too vast in content. Apart from this, SA and AS application

Better buy a good reference book first, take the concepts of audit

oriented questions will be set for your exam. Exam questions will fairly

Make a habit of making good notes. You are required

cover all the segment and practical in nature.

To carry out balanced studies (SA and Audit content). Apply the


Inter linked technique. Good revisions at frequent intervals

Corporate and allied laws


Nature of paper

How to overcome

This paper contains company and miscellaneous law. Exam questions have

You are required to learn from the conceptual angle, make a habit

in more than one segment. Conceptual clarity is is required .

 of making a good notes and good revisions at frequent intervals.

Make a good periodic revisions at frequent intervals .



Cost and QT


Nature of paper

How to overcome

This is a concept oriented practical paper hence good conceptual clarity

You are required to solve the problems without looking solutions

is required Exam question can be at time lengthy and time consuming

Good conceptual back ground is warranted for this paper.

For QT part require some mathematical back ground also.

Solving more problems by taking in to account the concepts


will make you to clear without difficulties



Nature of paper

How to overcome

This is a technical and no commercial back ground. r The content of this paper

Good learning by understanding the concepts behind technicality is

is difficult to retain over a period of time. This is a scoring and hurdle paper

required and also good and frequent revisions.

Exam questions can be at time high end practical and not from the books also

Never Ignore or Dislike this paper.



Nature of paper

How to overcome

This is a high end practical oriented paper. Content of DT is vast and have

You should have a good idea about the concepts behind legality,

so many areas to be looked in to. There are a lot of students were fails this

making a good notes and good revisions to hold the concepts

particular subject.exam questions can be lengthy ,practical oriented.

behind the legality



Nature of paper

How to overcome

This is a Good and scoring paper. However, there are a lot of sections to be

You should have a good ideas about the concepts behind the

Covered. Apart from this so many cases laws. Exam questions can be Rule based

legality, Good and frequent revision to make the paper more

, Case law based and other application based also. It is a scoring or hurdle paper
