80c life insurance-service tax portion

Jyothis (Article) (1127 Points)

16 February 2016  

Can we claim life insurance premiun including service tax portion.

1.Can we claim all life insurance premium as 80C deduction/or is there any specific criteria for Insurance service provider-Say can we claim deduction of insurance premium of HDFC life.

Whether a insurance is eligible for 80c deduction is shown in Invoice/not


Sum assured :4,06,091,Min death benefit is Rs.10 lacs & Annualised premium is Rs.1 lacs.

Premium paid was Rs.1,03,000 including Taxes.

Can an individual avail Rs.1,03,000 deduction for FY 15-16,premium is 10% more than sum assured but min death benefit is Rs.10 lacs,which to be taken for max insurance deduction computation.