7 job skills an employer looks for

Sathish M (Management Accountant) (40581 Points)

18 February 2016  
  1. Being result oriented: you may be working 14 hours a day, or day in or day out. Instead of counting hours count how many works you really complete. Your employer has no concern with working hours. If you can complete desired work within 6 hours. Your employer will be equally happy. No employer wants you to work extra hours or beyond office hours; employer wants you to complete your work at any cost. If you complete work you will have reputation among senior, junior, management team & everyone.
  2. Technical skills: You may be an accountant, manager, sales person or engineer. Knowledge and skills are developing day by day. You have to upgrade your knowledge & skills time to time if you want to survive in job or grow your company/business.If your client is more knowledgeable than you, he will never do business with youIt is said that more you learn more you earn.
  3. Time management: Time management is all about completing your work on or before time and maintaining quality. Don’t confuse time management with reaching office on time and leaving office timely.If you can meet all work deadlines, your boss doesn’t care when you take lunch or when you leave office.
  4. Communication skills: Communication skills serves two purposes To understand other: Suppose you can’t understand your boss or client, you will never work according to their instruction and you may risk your job.To make others understand: If you can’t make others understand nobody will value your knowledge, skills and talent and you can’t convince them. Moreover in order to express your viewpoint it’s necessary.
  5. Team skills: You can do all learning and skills develop alone easily; but when it comes to work in corporate you have to work in a team to achieve big targets or complete projects or assignment. Try to become the best contributor in your team and people will remember you for your contribution.Keep in mind there can be some politics while working in a team and your future/ prospective employer wants to know what you contributed in the team not how you overcame team politics.
  6. English: In today’ scenario it is not easy to get into corporate or face interviews without having good English. I meet many people who have technical skills to work in a fortune 500 or a good company but due to lack of good English skills they are  unable to work in good companies. Moreover in order to update yourself in your domain all good books and online study material is in English only. So if you don’t update yourself you lose market value also. You can easily improve your English you are ready to improve the same. You may join our online spoken English and communication development session to improve your English; watch demo at following link
  7. Passion: means energy and strong willingness to do something. Without passion      you can’t maintain quality of work or life. Nobody will respect or value your work if           you fail to maintain required quality in your work. You must have heard “Do what you love and love what you do”. No big achievement or success is possible without having passion in work.