6 ways to keep going when your goal seems out of reach

Rahul Sharma (----------) (8192 Points)

01 October 2012  

    6 Ways To Keep Going When Your Goal Seems Out Of Reach

1. Imagine yourself achieving your goal using all the senses. Smell the cool morning air the day of the marathon; feel your strong, toned muscles; picture yourself crossing the finish line; hear your friends and family cheering from the sidelines; taste the celebratory meal you’ll have after. Visualization works.
Remind yourself daily of the why of your goal. How will you or your life be better after you’ve achieved it? Maybe you’ll be healthier, more disciplined, or whatever you dream to be.
Get support, especially from those who’ve done what you’re attempting. Join a runners or writers group, or get a friend to keep you accountable. Interview someone who’s lived in a foreign country and offer to send her a small gift for her time. Share your doubts and ask for advice or help.
Act as if you haven’t lost momentum. Sure, you’re cranky or tired, so fake it. Keep going anyway, knowing that each step gets you closer, even if it’s hard or doesn’t seem to be moving you forward. The bonus? Discipline is great for self-esteem. Taking on something big and making it happen is huge, and when your next big idea comes along you’ll have this success to look back on.
. Take a day off. Rest, goof around, refresh and reenergize, and don’t worry about your goal. One day won’t slow you down, and it’ll let you restart tomorrow with better energy and clearer perspective.
Celebrate milestones along the way. You shouldn’t have to wait until the very end for the big payoff, so build in mini-achievements and reward yourself when you hit them. Make a decadent dinner, buy that new book you’ve been wanting,