Hi Ashish
I dont think u can avoid CG by alloting shares.
That is only for succession of a proprietorship by a company covered u/s 47(xiv). Not for transfer of assets from a proprietor to his one man company.
And I suggest you to trnasfer the assets to company by sale deed
(if u can keep the director outside VAT)
And as per my opinion, the FMV could be very close to, but below the price paid by the director,
for the assets. After all, it has become second hand.
i suggest that u got thru explanations 1 to 4 to section 43(5) to give you the idea of the value which can be depreciated....
And 40A(3), there is no easier way to circumvent than by splitting the payments to different people on different days....
Make a sub-lease agreement with the director Ok, but there also TDS may come like Dhruv has said.