4 days to go - do

SANYAM ARORA (“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)   (20168 Points)

28 October 2011  

                    4 Days to Go - Do's and Dont's ....!!! A Must Read By All


Friends so just 4 days are left for the exams to start of Both IPCC as well as of Finals. I know these days will be really hectic as well as Non forgettable.

Through this article you will come to know about the Do's and Dont's for the next 4 days.

Why i am writing this article is just because i dont want any of you should commit the mistakes which i did during my examinations.

Do's and Dont's -

1. Full use -

Friends try to make full use of the next 4 days, as they will never come back. These four days will decide your destiny. I know this weak is full of festivals, and you will find many of your relatives at your place but try to avoid them. Because at the end if you fails, only your parents will be there to support you and no one else.

So, just be involved in the pooja and avoid the rest of the part. as festivals will come next year also.

2.  Main Aspect -

Friends now you cant capture whole stuff. So just try to focus on the main aspect of each chapter. For example - In accounts just go through the concepts and only the relevant question and not every one. As will confuse you at the end.

3.  Sleeping as well as Studying  Time -

My suggestion will be - Study from- 4 am to 8 am. And then go for a light breakfast. ( Theoritical )

                                                                   8:45 to 11:00. Then take a short snap.( Maximum for an hour). ( Practical )

                                                                    12:15 to 3"30. Then have your lunch. ( Theoritical )

                                                                     4:30 to 6: 30. Then you can listen to songs.( T.v as well as Mobiles are strictly  prohibited).

                                                                      7:30 to 11:00. Then go for sleep from 11 to 4:00.. ( Practical ).

4. Forget about results -

I Know each one of us do this, Bit we should try to avoid thinking about results and just focus on our study. As we cant change the future but will definately spoil it by everytime thinking about it.

5. Eating -

Friends i will like to share with all of you my personal experience, what i did during my examinations i ate cholle bathure in my breakfast. And after that the whole day i felt sleepy. It wasted my whole day.

So suggestion will be to have light food.

6 Avoid. Festivals -

I Know we cant, but try to avoid them to the extent you can. As they will definately come back but if we get failed one time we will never be able to study with the spirit as we had in our first attempt.

Friends i hope the above will be proved fruitful to all of you.

Now as we share the same family, so i dint wanted anyone of you to have a bad experiennce in the next 4 days.

All the Very best to all of you.

May god Bless Each one of you.

Best Regards

Sanyam Arora