3 IDIOTS - Any Professional Misconduct ???

jayaram (Consultant) (338 Points)

09 March 2010  

All friends of this site

I hope most of them might have enjoyed 3 Idiots movie. Well,  I did !!!

But something caught my attention when I was watching titles.I am not sure whether anyone observed or posted this information but I thought if not posted this is relevant question to experts and final students of CA.

If you carefully observe the titles at the start of the movie there is a reference to "Chartered Accountant " - ANIL SEKHRI" on the left hand side of the screen with other accountants on the right hand side

My question is if he is a member of the CA Institute does it not amount to professional Misconduct  as per our outdated Misconduct schedules? The syllabus of Professional Misconduct confuses you when you want to practice after completing you CA  as you are in two minds to market youself in the changed days to get some work.

Any comments ???

