3 biggest time wasters

Sathish M (Management Accountant) (40581 Points)

19 February 2016  

3 Biggest Time Wasters

If something you’re doing or thinking isn’t fixing or improving the situation then it’s wasting your time

Doing easiest things first: You don’t get recognized at work place just by doing things. Your bosses or clients recognize you when you complete the most important task on time. So before starting any work always considers whether this work is really important or you are doing it because it looks convenient to you. Always remember you have to complete any given work or assignment whether it’s convenient to you or not.

If you are doing easiest work first ignoring important work you are simply wasting your time and neither your boss nor client will value your work. And moreover you can’t justify your pending work in this condition.


Checking personal mails and making personal calls: If you check personal mails or make personal calls twice or thrice a day, you will create unnecessary interruption in your work and moreover you can’t complete your work on time. You have to work after office hours and by and by you will start losing your efficiency.

Whenever you are on vacation or take off, you don’t want to do official work, similarly give your 100% while you are in office.

To avoid this situation you can check your personal mails once a day and limit your personal call to maximum 5-10 minutes during office hours.


Hesitation: When I started working in Industry I had to ask many things from my seniors, colleagues and clients. I was hesitant every time so I used to delay my work. Many times I got tongue lashing from my bosses.

Finally I understood I cannot survive in Industry if I keep hesitating. Just consider what happens when you hesitate i.e. you cannot complete your work, you leave office with tension, you reach office thinking about work, you can’t think of changing your job and you have to forget about salary raise or promotion. So if you hesitate, everything will go wrong and cost of hesitation is too high.


Now consider what happens when you are open and bold

1. You complete your work on time.

2. You needn’t waste your time

3. You will have a good reputation among subordinates, colleagues, seniors and clients.

4. People will start recognizing your work.

5. Client will value and appreciate your work.

6. You can easily change job.

7. Your boss will surely promote you.


You can’t afford to hesitate if you really want to grow in your career.


“It’s not enough to be busy, so are ants. The question is, what are we busy about?” – Henry David


“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” –Charles Buxton