28th gst council
Sunil Killedar (34 Points)
29 July 2018what is the effective date for changing gst rate for washing machine and refrigerators
from 28 % to 18 %
shall I change all rates
Sunil Killedar (34 Points)
29 July 2018
(132 Points)
Replied 29 July 2018
Shivam RC
(23683 Points)
Replied 29 July 2018
Pankaj Rawat
(GST Practitioner)
(55052 Points)
Replied 29 July 2018
Shivam RC
(23683 Points)
Replied 29 July 2018
Pankaj Rawat
(GST Practitioner)
(55052 Points)
Replied 29 July 2018