What is the difference between 234b & 234c
Vinaya Kumara K H
(Accounts Executive)
(259 Points)
Replied 14 February 2018
CA Rahul Sharma
(Asisstant Manager Finance)
(697 Points)
Replied 14 February 2018
23b is for default of advance tax payment and 234 c is for deferement of advance tax payment
Vinaya Kumara K H
(Accounts Executive)
(259 Points)
Replied 14 February 2018
Dear Abhay visit the link i posted in previous reply you will find the detailed explanation with examples
hope it will help
chaitanya kumar
(2 Points)
Replied 14 February 2018
234A Inteest Is Late Filing of return
234B Intest is Delay of Advance Tax (Caluclated form ending of FY to Upto the date of return filed);
234C Interst Is Delay in advancetax Installment (Caluclated differnce amount what he/ she paid, what acutal he/ she payable on that date)
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)