23 Brilliant Doubts - Unanswered...

Page no : 2

Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009

6. Can you cry under water? (let me try)

Answer: Yes if you are in a submarine. See this

Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009


7.Why do people say, "you've been  working like a dog"     when dogs just sit around all day? (i think  they meant
Answer: Dog hardly takes a leisure, ears and nose of dogs   are always  working and a dog barks as soon as, some suspicious thing happens.  

Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009


 8.Why are the numbers on a calculator and a  phone eversed?
It is pretty odd that a calculator and a touch-tone telephone ave exactly opposite layouts for their keypads, which have many identical components. The reasons behind the differences are not known for certain, but a few theories exist.
The first theory deals with the telephone's circuitry and tone-recognition hardware. When the touch-tone telephone was being designed in the late 1950s, the calculator and adding-machine designers had already established a layout that had 7, 8 and 9 across the top row. Data-entry professionals, and others who used calculators fairly regularly, were quite adept at navigating these keypads. They could hit the numbers extremely quickly, which was great for data entry, but not so great for dialing a touch-tone phone. The tone-recognition technology could not operate effectively at the speeds at which these specialists could dial the numbers. The telephone designers figured that if they reversed the layout, the dialing speeds would decrease and the tone-recognition would be able to do its job more reliably. This theory has little proof to substantiate it, but it does make sense.
A second theory refers to a study done by Bell Labs in 1960. This study involved testing several different telephone-keypad layouts to find out which was easiest to master. After testing several layouts, including one that used two rows with five numbers each and another that used a circular positioning, it was determined that the three-by-three matrix that had 1, 2 and 3 across the top was the easiest for people to use.
Another theory is based on the layout of a rotary telephone. On a rotary dial, 1 is at the top right and zero is on the bottom. When designed the new touch-tone keypad, putting the 1 on the top-right didn't make much sense, because Western writing is read from left to right. But putting 1 on the top-left, and the subsequent numbers to the right, did make sense. Using that formula, the resulting rows fell into place, with zero getting its own row at the bottom.
All of these theories attempt to explain why telephone and calculator keypads are exact opposites, yet no one theory can be pinpointed as the definitive reason. It is common practice today to use the telephone-keypad layout when designing new products that utilize a keypad, such as Automated Teller Machines


Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009


 9.Do fish ever get thirsty? (let me ask and tell)

No the body of fish absorpt required amount of water.

Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009

10.Can you get cornered in a round room?

answer: No, Can u get rounded in a square room




Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009

Question No.11 is missing

Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009


12. Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep?
Answer:Because they sleep in a nest!!.. .Most of them are in nests, comfortable balanced! Others use their claws to get an excellent grip. Some  birds are able to avoid falling over because of a muscle arrangement that causes their claws to tighten when they bend their legs to relax.


Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009


13.What came first, the fruit or the color  orange?
   Answer: Fruit came first. Bcoz the fruits came to this earth way before humans started speaking languages or started naming the stuffs.
14.If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable   oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil  made from
Answer: Its name is baby oil cuz it is made for babies , actually is is made on olive
15.What should one call a male ladybird?  (No  comments)
   Answer: Obviously Ladybird.
16.If a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot?  (can somebody   u can)
Answer:They dont remember what they forgot, but they can certainly knowthat they have forgot everything except normal cognitive abilitiesin other areas, such as language.   
17.Can you blow a balloon up under water? (yes
Answer: Yes, you can, but it's dependant on a few things. First, you must have enough air in your lungs to blow it up. Second, there DOES come a point where the pressure from the outside water is greater than the rubber can bear, and it explodes. That's bad for you, because the air might be shover back in your lung along with water quite violently. It'd also be very hard to blow up the balloon.
18.Why is it called a "building" when   it is already     built? (strange isnt it)
Answer: word ‘building’ ,mentioned here, is a noun. So its still being called as a “building” though its built.
19.If you were traveling at the speed of sound and you    turned on your radio would you be ! able to  hear it?
   Answer: Yes. Because, Concord Planes of British Airways used to travel at this speed and they could catch radio signals during flight.(Concord planes used to complete the journey between NewYork, USA
and London, UK within 2 hours)
20.If you're traveling at the speed of   light and you     turn your headlights on, what happens? (I   dont have a change to try)
Answer:  Practically and scientifically not possible to travel at this speed as of today. And I don’t answer hypothetical question
 21.Why is it called a TV set when theres only   one? (very nice)
 Answer: traditional television set integrates the receiver, audio system, and picture tube into one device. so its set of all these devices thus its called as TV set.(It is a set of many equipments which makes a complete television TV)   
 22.If a person owns a piece of land do they own  it all the way down to the core of the earth?
Answer: According to Indian Laws, land upto 200 feet downwards from the surface is the property of the owner, rest is national property. (I dont know about the laws of other countries.)    
 23.Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can't go that fast on any  road?
 Answer:  at least 130 when you legally can't   go that fast on any  road? its not set by driving laws. Its set by the capacity of car’s engine. So it has 130 KMs there.


well done manmohan


Answers are also intersting as questions



CA CS CIMA Prakash Somani (Landmark Group) (23502 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009

Excellent job Manmohan but honestly tell me ...

how did you get all these answers???

Manmohan ACA, CS (Chartered Accountant ) (14243 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009

Originally posted by :CA CS* Prakash Somani (A helping Hand)
" Excellent job Manmohan but honestly tell me ...
how did you get all these answers???

Thank You

CMA KNVV Sri Vidya - Sri Kanth (C.A.Final (New) ICWAI FINAL (New))   (11269 Points)
Replied 21 April 2009


Well done manu 

sudhir (Business Process Re engineering)   (1083 Points)
Replied 17 December 2009

lot of un answered questions

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