2 GST Number In same state for Same bussiness
Aj Style (Student) (354 Points)
22 February 2019
Pankaj Rawat
(GST Practitioner)
(55052 Points)
Replied 22 February 2019
Aj Style
(354 Points)
Replied 22 February 2019
Pankaj Rawat
(GST Practitioner)
(55052 Points)
Replied 23 February 2019
Madhukar N Hiregange
(Chartered Accountant)
(39034 Points)
Replied 23 February 2019
In the earlier law also one could take registration for a different business verticle. The definition was causing problems of interpretation. As long as assessee is willing to maintain separate a/c and file returns- it furthers the concept of broad basing.
Lokesh Jain
(162 Points)
Replied 23 February 2019
Pankaj Rawat
(GST Practitioner)
(55052 Points)
Replied 24 February 2019