Please provide brelf explaination about 194j(1)(ba)
Thanking you
Akula Srinivas (Accounts Officer) (59 Points)
30 August 2012Please provide brelf explaination about 194j(1)(ba)
Thanking you
Giridhar S Karandikar
(Team Lead)
(7548 Points)
Replied 31 August 2012
The finance minister in its budget had announed that any remuneration paid to the director whihc is not in the nature of salary (on whihc TDS is made u/s 192) TDS @ 10% u/s 194J should be made by the company. Services rendered by the directors to the company other than those covered in the ordinary course of business are considered as professional in nature & hance TDS shud be made.
Sonu Kumar
(Account Manager)
(665 Points)
Replied 31 August 2012