What are the specific kind of contracts which fall under this category ??
or is this section a residual section i.e. all contracts unless specified for TDS under other section fall under this??
Please reply
(Believe!! Live your dreams!)
(33516 Points)
Replied 15 January 2013
hey all contracts fall under this.. whether it is oral or written!!
Giridhar S Karandikar
(Team Lead)
(7548 Points)
Replied 20 January 2013
for the purpose of attracting TDS u/s 194c the term 'Work' shud be taken into consideration for making TDS. The type of payment shud be construed by condiering the term work and analysing if it would fit in this section. If it does then tds shud be made. Pls refer the Explanation given for Work u/s 194C
CA Deepak Rathore
(281 Points)
Replied 20 January 2013
The word "work"in this section would include—
(a) advertising;(b) broadcasting and telecasting including production of programmesfor such broadcasting or telecasting;(c) carriage of goods and passengers by any mode of transport other than railways;
(d) catering;
(e) Manufacturing or supplying a product according to the requirement or specification of a customer by using the material purchased from such customer , but does not include manufacturing or supplyinga product according to the requirementor specification of a customer by using the material purchased from a person, other than such customer.
Supplying of labourfor carrying out any work
But excludes
Contracts for rendering of professional services by lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Architects, Consultants, etc., as these are covered u/s194J