15 most important tips on writing effective mails

SANYAM ARORA (“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.”)   (20168 Points)

27 August 2011  
A very good evening to all the members of CCI family.
Today i am here to discuss something very special for all of you regarding " 15 Most important tips on writing effective mails "
So lets go for it -
1. Be concise and to the point -
Do not make email longer than it needs to be. Remeber that reading emails is harder than reading printed communications.
2. Answer all questions and pre- empt further questions -
Any email must answer all questions and pre-empt further questions. If you do not answer all questions in the original mail, you will recieve further emails regarding the unanswered questions, which will not only waste your time and your customer's time but also cause considerable frustration.
3. Use proper spellings, grammar and punctuation -
This is not only important because improper spellings gives a bad impression of your company, it is also important for conveying the message properly.
4. Do not attach unnecessary files -
By sending large attachments, you can annoy receivers and even bring down their email system. whwnver possible try to compress attachments and only send attachments when they are productive.
5. Use proper structure and  layout -
Since reading from a screen is more difficult than reading from newspaper, the structure and layout is very important for email messages. Use shart paragraphs and blank lines between each paragraphs.
6. Do not write in capitals -
IF YOU WRITE IN CAPITALS IT SEEMS AS IF YOU ARE SHOUTING. This can be really annoying and might trigger an inwanted response in the form of flame mails.
7. Do not over use Reply to All - 
Use " Reply to all " only if you really need your message to be seen by each person who received the original mails.

Please take the above points into consideration while writing a mail.

Thanks and Regards

Sanyam Arora